Mailster v.1.5.2 was released to optimize performance and fix several bugs.
- Cronjob optimization for the "all" execution mode. Avoids sending delays for installations with many lists.
- Enable to sleep only 0.1 or 0.5 seconds with the "wait between the sending of two mails" functionality to allow for more reasonable performance while adhering to limits (e.g. Siteground not allowing more than 10 emails per second)
- Show charset conversion functionality missing in system diagnosis
- Warn user if the system requirements are not met in regards to the charset conversion functionality (iconv or mb_convert_encoding is required)
- Moderation mode checkbox options can be unchecked
- Do not send out "your email is no forwarded" notifications when the sender does have an empty email address
- Fix for "keep original header" setting for multiple CC addresses - put all of them in one header, not multiple CC headers
- Do not send <> as the sender of notification emails
- Avoid some unnecessary PHP warnings