- Option for welcome and goodbye messages on subscribe and unsubscribe
- Pro edition: Double Opt-In mode for subscribing and unsubscribing available
- Pro edition: Send reports to see when the email was forwarded to whom and whether (if so: which kind of) of errors occured
- Pro edition: includes a new PHP file for an easier setup of the dedicated cronjob
- Unsubscibing can be disabled for individual mailing lists
- Enhanced profile plugin to allow assignments to mailing lists from the "My profile" view in the back-end
- Optimized image file sizes for faster page loads
- Warnings are generated when log file or log database become too large
- Background checks for minimum system requirements and more of other in-product help
- UTF-8 subjects are correctly decoded
- Resolved issue with non-forwarded emails in the queue
- Pro edition: Dedicated cronjob task "all" sends emails reliably
- "Email not forwarded" notifications are not sent out for bounced emails
- Subscribe/Unsubscribe module designs work
- Subscribe/Unsubscribe plugin designs work in Joomla 1.6+