With the release 1.0 Mailster Professional is discontinued in the favor of new three new product editions (Mailster Essential, Mailster Business, Mailster Ultimate).
The Mailster free edition is continued and remains free.
- Compatibility with Joomla 3.2 and Joomla 3.3
- Joomla groups can be used as recipient groups and for the rights management for sending/receiving (Joomla 2.5 and later)
- Welcome/goodbye messages can also be send out when adding recipients in the backend
- Aborted mail sending processes (due too many send errors) can be restarted or remaining recipients can be removed from send queue
- Entering the user data (name and email) of the logged in user for the subscriber forms can be disabled or even enforced
- New text variables: list email address and list administrator email address
- Integrated subscriber interface for 3rd party / non-Joomla sites
- Added support for Joomla's ACL/permissions to restrict component backend access, global configuration, list management and list creation
- Joomla 1.6 and 1.7 are not supported anymore, Joomla 1.5 is still supported
- Business Edition: Digest mode added (messages can be received as daily/weekly/monthly digests)
- Ultimate Edition: Option to archive a digest daily to a Joomla article
- Ultimate Edition: Option to move the emails to an offline archive after 30-365 days to clean up the live database on large/busy installations
- When user deletes entries a confirm dialog is shown first
- Mail sending performance optimizations
- Copy-to-sender-functionality does also work when sender is not among the recipients
- User data source (Mailster or Joomla) is shown in the dialogs for adding users to groups and lists
- The Email Forwarder plugin can be disabled by putting a file "no_mst_plg_exec.txt" or "no_mst_plg_exec" into the directory [joomla]/administrator/components/com_mailster
- Essential Edition: The custom notifications contain the source address of the mailing list emails
- Essential Edition: The custom notifications contain the text content of the blocked emails
- Business Edition: The Community Builder bridge synchronization can be initialized to have a clean start
- Business Edition: The Community Builder bridge also works with single dropdown and radio button fields
- Business Edition: The Community Builder bridge synchronization with state changes works for "confirm" by user (by link in registration email)
- Business Edition: The content title on the page can be changed better with the menu parameters
- Sender header is set correctly to the mailing list's email address
- Avoid duplicate messages in CC-addressing mode
- Fixing Database compatibility issues in Joomla 3.1 and later preventing subscribe/unsubscribe confirmation links to work
- All send report entries are recorded in the database
- Convert to plain text functionality is fixed
- Mail view in front- and backend is fixed
- Non-UTF-8 charsets are correctly parsed
- Blocked emails do not show up in the frontend archives (threads view)
- Message parts are not hidden through wrong attachment of a file named "mst_no_filename"
- Pagination works in frontend in Joomla 3.3+
- Mailing list duplication works in Joomla 3.2+
- Fixed Javascript incompatibility with other 3rd party components in the backend
- Fixed extension of Joomla's user profile through the profile plugin in Joomla 3.0 and later
- Profile plugin works in Joomla 3.2+
- Avoid fatal errors in plugins when component is removed
- Secure log files from being accessed from the outside
- Search plugin returns correct results
- Search plugin does not return a false result when having no search matches
- Search plugin does not include bounced/blocked mails
- "Sender blocked" notifications do not cause mail loop of emails from and back to mailing list
- Fixed rare occurrences of mail loops when a mail server filters out Mailster-specific headers
- Bounces are recognized more reliable
- Bounces content is stored more reliable
- Catch exceptions caused by empty HTML messages to be converted to plain text
- No blank lines are added in front of forwarded emails when no custom header is defined
- Remote Javascript library is loaded with secure connection when SSL is enabled to avoid mixed content loading error
- Log messages do not show as system messages in front- and backend
- Text variables are also replaced in not well-formed HTML messages
- Corrected issue making the German translation unavailable
- Various other Language fixes