This section only shows in paid product editions.
- License Key
To receive updates for your paid version you need to enter your license key here.
You get the license key with your purchase confirmation email. In case you forget to add your license key, and update to a new plugin version, then you may inadvertently revert your installation to the free edition.
Plugin Trigger
- Cron Job Key
The cron job key is relevant when you setup a dedicated cron job (or have us set up a cron job for you).
You choose this yourself. We recommend to only use alphanumerical characters.
Mail Header & Content
- Date/Time format in Mailster
The date/time format that is used to print dates into the email content (e.g. with the date placeholder) or in the email archive view. The format works analog to the PHP date (& time) format, see in order to find out the available format variations. - Date-only format in Mailster
The date format that is used to print dates in the email archive view. The format works analog to the PHP date format, see in order to find out the available format variations. - Add subject prefix to replies
Whether or not the reply subject prefix (see setting below) should be put in front of replies automatically. - Reply Subject Prefix
Prefix to be used for indicating replies to an existing email thread, e.g. “Re: ” or “RE: “. - Undo Line Wrapping
Some email servers automatically do a line wrapping after a fixed number of characters. This option removes those line breaks. - From Email Address
The emails forwarded from Mailster use this email address in the ‘From’ field.
Note: this global setting is only effective when this is not overridden in the mailing list’s individual settings. - From Name
The emails forwarded from Mailster use this name in the ‘From’ field.
Note: this global setting is only effective when this is not overridden in the mailing list’s individual settings.
Filtering / Blocking
- Blocked Email Addresses
Emails coming from one of the configured email addresses will not be forwarded. Here you can configure both complete email addresses as so-called wildcard addresses. Separate the addresses with commas.
Wildcard means, that only the local part (the name before the @-character) is checked for, not the domain of the email address. An example is the wildcard address john@* – that means that all email addresses that start with john@ will not be forwarded. - Words to filter
When mail filtering is activated in the mailing list, emails containing one of these words in the subject or body are not forwarded. Separate the keywords with commas.
Email Archive
- Keep blocked emails for #days
After the time period (in days), the emails are deleted to keep a smaller database. - Keep bounced emails for #days
After the time period (in days), the emails are deleted to keep a smaller database.
- DMARC: adjust sender settings
When an email comes from one of the given providers enforcing policy=reject, then automatically adjust sender settings to improve deliverability - DMARC Providers
Email providers that have a DMARC policy with the setting "REJECT". Here you can configure both complete domain names as well as so-called wildcard domains. Wildcard means, that only the hostname part (the name before the period character) is checked for, not the top-level domain of the email address. An example is the wildcard domain example.* - that means that all email addresses coming from a domain with "example" as the hostname are matched, examples: "", "" and ""
The Captcha protection is only available in the paid product editions. The motivation is to prevent spam bots from signing up through the subscription forms.
We have integrated reCAPTCHA V2 for this purpose. In order to use it, you need to register your site at and retrieve your two keys from there.
- reCAPTCHA Public Key
The website key (public key) for your site, is retrieved from Google’s reCAPTCHA admin page. - reCAPTCHA Private Key
The secret key (private key) for your site, is retrieved from Google’s reCAPTCHA admin page. - reCAPTCHA Theme
The styling of the Captcha, there is a light and a dark version available – choose the one that fits better to your site’s design.
- Alternative Text Variables
You can use alternative text placeholders. This is only recommended for the rare case when the text variables are incompatible with e.g. your mailing server.
Please find the regular and the alternative text placeholders below:Regular Placeholder Meaning of Text Variable / Placeholder Alternative Text Variable / Placeholder {email} Sender email address mailster_var_email {name} Sender name mailster_var_name {description} Sender description mailster_var_description {date} Sending date/time mailster_var_date {list} Mailing list name mailster_var_list {post_email} Mailing list email address mailster_var_post_email {admin_email} Mailing list administrator email address mailster_var_admin_email {site} Site Name mailster_var_site {unsubscribe} Unsubscribe URL mailster_var_unsusbscribe {recip_email} Recipient email address* mailster_var_recip_email {recip_name} Recipient name* mailster_var_recip_name
* recipient-based information is only available when the mailing lists are sending in the TO-sending-mode (i.e. one email per recipient). The recipient placeholders are not working in a BCC-sending-mode setting (where multiple recipients receive the same “physical email”).
Send Throttling
Send Throttling is only available in the paid product editions.
Many email providers enforce certain restrictions like the maximum count of emails per day/hour/minute that you are allowed to send out.
In order to avoid being temporarily blocked from sending, Mailster can auto-throttle the outgoing emails to not hit the given limits.
- Send Limit (per hour)
Maximum number of emails (across all mailing lists) that are to be sent per hour. - Send Limit (per minute)
Maximum number of emails (across all mailing lists) that are to be sent per minute. - Wait between the sending of two emails
Number of seconds to wait after sending out an email before the next email is sent.
Our support team may ask you to provide a debug log file.
The logging functionality is intended to support the root cause analysis for issues or bugs.
- Logging Level
The logging level controls how detailed Mailster will document its activities in a log file. While “Errors only” and “Normal” only produce a few log lines, the “Debug” logging level will quickly produce large log files. That is why the Max. logging level (Debug) should only be used for a limited time (typically for reproducing an error scenario) and then the log level should be reverted back to “Normal“. - Force Logging
Only activate this when you know what you are doing!
Mailster will only attempt to write to a log file when the log directory (folderadministrator/logs
) can be written to, i.e. the directory permissions allow it. When this setting is activated, Mailster will write to the log directory even though the permissions do not seem to allow it. This may lead to fatal errors. - Log file warning size limit (MB)
Mailster will warn the admin when the log file exceeds the given limit (value in Megabytes). Default: 25 Megabytes.